Coming Soon --
A Revamped, Expanded
Stagg Had Large Influence on Notre Dame
The name Paterno was taken off the new trophy for the winner of the Big 10 Championship game, making it simply the Stagg Championship Trophy. Just who was the great Amos Alonzo Stagg? How did he impact the game of football? And what was his influence on a developing Notre Dame football team in the early 20th century. READ FULL FEATURE HERE.
When A Football Program
Becomes Too Powerful
The primary reaction to the Penn State scandal is profound sadness for the victims and their families. The larger question remains: how do we let football programs get so big, so powerful, so insular, as to overshadow the institutions they represent? And what does that do to common sense and common decency? READ FULL COMMENT HERE.
Small Stadium Makes for Hot Ticket at Wake
Notre Dame plays Wake Forest for the first time ever Saturday night, and the 31,500-seat capacity at BB&T Stadium will make it the smallest crowd to see ND play since 1945. It's just ND's eighth game played in the state of North Carolina. The Irish lost at Duke in 1961, and defeated North Carolina on four of six trips to Chapel Hill between 1951 and 2008. Read how the Notre Dame buzz is making for a unique experience in Winston-Salem.
Irish, 75 Others Find New Conference Home
This is it. This is the real plan that everyone's been keeping under wraps. My double-triple secret source swears it's true. It's the SuperDuper MegaMax Conference America/USA/ Galaxy/Universe. Or The Big 76, for short. Here how it works, and how it will perfectly set up the playoff system everyone's always talking about. READ FULL COMMENT HERE.
It's Here -- 'Beat SC'
Ancient rivals Notre Dame and Southern Cal meet Saturday in their first-ever true night game at Notre Dame Stadium. The Irish have not recorded an on-the-field victory over the Trojans at the Stadium since Oct. 20, 2001. (The 2005 'Bush Push' game going into the records books via NCAA sanctions in 2009). For a look at another time the Irish were trying to end a home drought vs. USC, check out our feature on ND's triumph in 1973. FULL FEATURE HERE.
Devine Sculpture Completes 'Coaches Circle'
With Friday’s unveiling and blessing of the Dan Devine sculpture outside Notre Dame Stadium, the “circle of coaches” who have won national championships with the Irish has been completed.Starting with Saturday’s victory over Air Force, ND fans enter the Stadium at one of five gates named for the championships coaches -- Knute Rockne, Frank Leahy, Ara Parseghian, Devine and Lou Holtz -- passing the sculpture of each as they go in. FULL STORY HERE.
Notre Dame vs. Quarterback U.
Mention Purdue to most college football fans, and the first thought that comes into their head is: Quarterbacks. Last fall, the university trademarked its "Cradle of Quarterbacks" slogan, and selected the 12 greatest Boilermaker QBs of all time. For a look at how Notre Dame has fared against some of the top Boiler QBs, READ FULL STORY HERE.
Western PA: Football Country
Facing the University of Pittsburgh always conjures up the tremendous role western Pennsylvania has played in North Dame football over the years. The football-rich region has produced literally dozens of Fighting Irish players down through the decades. READ FULL STORY HERE.
The March Is On (Right?)
Late in Saturday’s game, I texted my daughter, 2009 alum Liz, who was in the seventh row of the south end zone. “Forget Rudy...Carry Blanton Off the Field!!!” What a performance. Above all, this is now a team savoring the results of a lot of hard work. And knowing they are capable of beating anyone on their schedule the rest of the way. READ FULL COMMENT HERE.
The Only Option: Moving Forward
Notre Dame is not going anywhere. And its followers should remember that. Even as they search for any answers to help explain the inexplicable lack of football victories. Time to move forward. The 10 remaining games aren’t being taken off the schedule. Players and coaches have to face them head-on. READ FULL COMMENT HERE
Sixty Year Ago: ND's First Night Game
History will be made at Michigan Stadium when it hosts its first true night game Saturday. For Notre Dame, history was also made in the state of Michigan 60 falls ago. The Fighting Irish played their first night game ever on Oct. 5, 1951...defeating the University of Detroit Titans, 40-6, before 53,371 at Detroit's Briggs Stadium. Just a week earlier, ND had unveiled its surprising new "I" formation (right).
Searching for Answers: We Have The Talent
How can a veteran team, coming back nearly intact from an impressive finish in 2010, with a chance to start a 2011 BCS march, make so many mistakes? Nobody has the answer. So maybe it's just best for everyone to remind themselves of one thing: We Have The Talent.
Walking on Hallowed Ground
Notre Dame fans congregated in the the heart of campus hours before games loved the players' walk after Mass at the Basilica to the Stadium. The new routine is sure to be missed by many. The new walk from the Gug to the Stadium, does have one redeeming quality. It traces the steps of Knute Rockne, George Gipp, The Four Horsemen and the other stars who trod old Cartier Field from the turn of the century through 1928.
Skip Holtz Trying to Beat His Alma Mater, a Feat Not Accomplished in Seven Decades
When Skip Holtz, a Notre Dame grad who played and coached at ND under his dad Lou, brings his South Florida Bulls into Notre Dame Stadium for Saturday's season opener, he'll be trying to become the first ND alum to defeat his alma mater as head coach in more than seven decades. Here's a look at how several former Irish football players have fared as coaches taking on their alma mater.
Inspiration From the DVD Shelf
How many ND fans did what we did this past Saturday evening? Nothing compelling on TV, the college football season still days away, what else but reach for the DVD shelf and pop in Rudy.There's no better way to reconnect with all that we want to see in Fighting Irish football -- perseverance, effort, courage, determination.
Let's Play Some Football!
If ever there was a time that a program like Notre Dame needed to rise up and be the face of college football, this is it. The Irish have a chance to show the rest of the sport how to reach the top level without operating like bandits.Coach Brian Kelly and staff have changed attitudes, improved conditioning, upgraded recruiting.Now it's simple, really -- just win games.
So Long to Two Stalwarts of the 1966 ND vs. MSU Tussle: Bubba Smith and Pete Duranko
It was billed as The Game of The Century, and represented a breakthrough in college football: a regular-season game between No. 1 and No. 2 played out on the national stage of television. And now, two defensive standouts of the 10-10 tie between Notre Dame and Michigan State on Nov. 19, 1966, are no longer with us. A tribute to Michigan State All-American Bubba Smith and Notre Dame's indomitable Pete Duranko.
Tony Zambroski, Andre Jones:
Different Eras, Same Notre Dame Spirit
One, Tony Zambroski, played at Notre Dame under Frank Leahy, then returned to his high school alma mater, Cathedral Prep in Erie, PA, and began a legendary career as a coach, teacher and athletic director. He died this week at 81. The other, Andre Jones, was a much more recent Fighting Irish star, playing defensive end and linebacker in the late 1980s, and was a member of the 1988 national champs. He died this week also, of a brain aneurysm at just 42. He leaves behind, among others, current ND wide receiver TJ Jones.
Coach Kelly Reflects on Challenges of 2010, And Spirit of Notre Dame That Prevailed
Coach Brian Kelly addressed a packed gathering of the Notre Dame Club of Minnesota and spoke, among other things, about the tragedy and turmoil of his first season as head coach of the Fighting Irish. It was the leadership of Rev. John Jenkins that helped the University get through some of its darkest days, and the resolve of his players that turned the football fortunes around, Kelly said. All of it, he noted, exemplifies what the spirit of Notre Dame is all about.
Fans of Rockne, History Make Pilgrimage
To Kansas Field 80 Years After Crash
Eight decades after the plane crash that claimed the lives of legendary Notre Dame coach Knute Rockne and seven others, about 200 people gathered at the crash site in the Flint Hills of Kansas to commemorate their lives. It was the first such major commemoration since the passing of James Easter Heathman, who as a 12-year-old farm boy came upon the site minutes after the March 31, 1931 crash. Heathman, who then spent a lifetime overseeing the site, was remembered and honored by those in attendance. READ FULL STORY HERE
New 'Rip Miller Trophy' Honors
Navy, Notre Dame Football
The Notre Dame Club of Maryland and the Baltimore Chapter of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association held a joint luncheon in Baltimore on Friday, February 18, to formally unveil the new Notre Dame-Navy football trophy. The trophy is named in honor of Edgar "Rip" Miller, one of Notre Dame's famed "Seven Mules" from the 1924 national championship team. Miller served the Naval Academy for 48 years as a coach and athletic administrator.
Watch the Baltimore Sun's video coverage of the Rip Miller Trophy luncheon here
Sun Bowl Trip Special for Seniors in Band
At the end of October, things looked bleak for the seniors in the ND Band. They were facing the unthinkable: four years of marching and playing for the Fighting Irish, standing and cheering and screaming and playing drum cadences and songs all through every game, never giving up ... and being rewarded with zero bowl trips.That's what makes the Sun Bowl so special for them.
ND's First Bowl Team Was 'El Paso-Bound'
When Notre Dame kicks off against Miami in the December 31 Sun Bowl, it won't be the first time a Fighting Irish bowl team has traveled to "the West Texas town of El Paso." That's because the very first Notre Dame bowl team – Knute Rockne's 1924 national champions featuring The Four Horsemen and The Seven Mules – had El Paso on its itinerary as it made its unique journey to and from the Jan. 1, 1925 Rose Bowl.
ND's Five Greatest Bowl Games Recalled
When the Fighting Irish meet the Miami Hurricanes on the afternoon of December 31 in the Sun Bowl at El Paso, Texas, it will be the 30th all-time bowl game for Notre Dame. Which games most stand out among ND’s 29 bowl appearances to date? Though others were also historic, we've selected five -- four resulting in national championships, and one a classic comeback.
7-5 Never Looked So Good
Eight years of misery vs. Southern Cal were put to rest when Harrison Smith wrenched the football from the misty air and cradled it just outside the Irish goal line in the final minute. It mattered not a whit to the Irish that USC might have just slipped from the How Do We Ever Beat Them? category to Teams We Should Defeat. You have to think the Irish have rounded a corner, and are looking at some good days ahead.
The Battle in The Bronx: Near Perfect
It was a crisp, moonlit evening in the Bronx for the historic rewewal of Notre Dame vs. Army -- the return of the series to New York City for the first time in more than four decades -- in the first college football game played at the New Yankee Stadium. The nod to history was spot-on, and the Irish made it a thorough success with a 27-3 victory over the Black Knights.
ND vs. Army: It's College Football History
Through the 1920s, 30s and 40s, there was no bigger sporting event in the land. Notre Dame-Army. The essence of history in the making. The sidelines at Yankee Stadium jammed with photographers, newsreel men, and assorted celebrities and hangers-on. Tickets precious as heirlooms. Breathless radio announcers and screaming newspaper headlines carrying the action to millions across the country.
Thank You, Father Jenkins
No matter the eventual results of any investigation or lawsuit, members of the Notre Dame family were relieved to hear the right message from the University Friday. Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins, in an open letter to the Notre Dame community, acknowledged what has been obvious: "Declan Sullivan was entrusted to our care, and we failed to keep him safe. We at Notre Dame — and ultimately I, as President — are responsible."
A Week of Sadness, Loss, Frustration
rant younA vibg life is needlessly lost.....A campus is shocked and sorrowful.....A football program is battered and reeling. Certainly, these have to be among the darkest days for Notre Dame in a long time – maybe since March 31, 1931. We reflect on the loss of Declan Sullvan, and the state of disarray that appears to be surrounding the Notre Dame football program.
Tragedy Hits ND Again
Wednesday's accident which claimed the life of ND student videographer Declan Sullivan, a 20-year-old junior from Long Grove, Ill., has sent shock waves across campus and beyond, and reminded all of the fragility of life. And it begs the question: Is there a black cloud hanging over this program?
Where Is The Spirit, Desire?
Notre Dame's effort against Navy has Irish fans using words like disheartening, embarassing, depressing. And the main question on so many minds: Where is the spirit, heart and desire that should be the hallmark of a Notre Dame football team?
Notre Dame Vs. Navy:
An Historic Rivalry
Notre Dame meets Navy Saturday at the New Meadowlands Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, in the 84th renewal of the nation's longest uninterrupted intersectional rivalry. New Meadowlands Stadium marks the 12th different venue for this series which started in 1927. Here is an historical look at the battle betweeen the Irish and the Midshipmen.
Fighting Irish Coaching Legends
Take Their Place Under the Sun
Fans attending games at Notre Dame Stadium this fall -- or just visiting campus -- can'tmiss the new locations of the sculptures honoring Fighting Irish coaching legends Knute Rockne, Frank Leahy, Ara Parseghian and Lou Holtz. All have been repositioned, and each has a stadium gate named for him. The changes just make "everything look right," fans seem to agree.
From Across the Miles (And Years),
The ND Alumni Band Gathers Again
At least there was one highlight to the Stanford weekend -- ND Band Alumni from coast to coast converged on campus for Alumni Band Weekend. Among them was Jack Steidl, 91 years young, who is believed to be the oldest living ND Band alum, and the last living link to legendary Band director Joseph Casasanta, the "Knute Rockne of the Notre Dame Band." Casasanta gave us the arrangment of the Notre Dame Victory March used today, along with composing the alma mater Notre Dame Our Mother, and other familiar tunes. Here's a look at the Band's legacy, from Casasanta to today.
Also: Vote for the Band of The Fighting Irish in the
"CBS Hawaii Five-O Marching Band Mania" contest.
Notre Dame's "Watch Charm Guard"
Was a Man Among (Much Bigger) Men
When you look at today's college players, and see offensive lines averaging 320 pounds, it's nothing short of amazing to think that Notre Dame once had an All-American guard who couldn't approach half that size! He was Bert Metzger, the "watch charm guard" of Knute Rockne's 1929 and 1930 national championship teams. A 1931 newspaper article noted that Metzger was found delivering milk via horse-and-wagon in the Chicago suburbs. Here, as they say, is the "rest of the story."
Introducing...."Irish Echoes"
We're pleased to introduce another way for Fighting Irish fans to follow Notre Dame football...and learn more about its fascinating history. It's Irish Echoes, the weekly e-newsletter from the staff of Forever Irish. Each week, we'll review the past game, provide some items on the upcoming opponent, and add some historical perspective. Best of all, it's FREE. Subscribe to Irish Echoes today!
Coaching Legend Sees Great Things Ahead For Kelly and the Irish
His firm handshake and steely gaze belie his 87 years. Notre Dame coaching legend Ara Parseghian looks and sounds like he could roam the sidelines yet today -- he's engaged with the game and what it takes to be a winner. And he likes what he sees in new Notre Dame Coach Brian Kelly. Forever Irish sat down with Ara and enjoyed hearing him talk about what it was like to be in Kelly's shoes 46 falls ago, and of that "something special" his Irish teams always seemed to have.
How Does The Expansion
Arms Race Benefit the Game?
It started with the Big Ten announcing a deliberate process for finding a new member (or members) that would provide an academic, athletic and cultural fit -- and now has exploded into a huge game of dominos in college athletics. What does this mad chase for television dollars mean for the traditions and stability of college football? Let’s face it, this is mostly a money grab by schools and conferences that are convinced they need – and can get – more, more, more. But is it really progress?
Golic Family Spans
The Generations at Notre Dame
It would be a stretch to say that a ton of Golics have played at Notre Dame – with four linemen and a wide receiver, it’s only about 1,200 pounds. But as junior center Mike Golic Jr. and sophomore tight end Jake Golic follow their dad and uncles onto the field at Notre Dame Stadium, they're looking to be "Golics 2.0" and do the family name proud. Contributor Dan Murphy tells the story of this all-Domer family.
"Loyal Sons" Garners Third Honor
On Monday, May 17, the 2010 National Indie Excellence Awards were announced, honoring excellence in independent publishing for books published the past two years. Loyal Sons: The Story of The Four Horsemen and Notre Dame Football's 1924 Champions (2008, Great Day Press) by Jim Lefebvre was named a Finalist in the Sports category. It is the third such national honor for Loyal Sons, which won the Bronze Medal in the 2009 Independent Publisher Book Awards, and was named an Award-Winning Finalist in the National "Best Books of 2009" Awards, from USA Book News.
Mike Anello Recalls How It Started
One of the most popular walk-ons in recent Notre Dame history, Mike Anello was the embodiment of effort, spirit and dedication during his time as a Fighting Irish special-teams star. In this episode from his video blog, Mike recalls the summer before his junior year, when he learned he would be getting a chance to contribute in the coming season. Mike's video blog is set up as a fund-raiser for St. Baldrick's -- the cancer charity that saw numerous Fighting Irish players have their heads shaved prior to this year's Blue-and-Gold Game.
ND Fans Support James Family
The family of ND recruit Matt James received heartfelt words of condolence and support from literally hundreds of Notre Dame fans across the country after Matt's tragic death in Florida during spring break. His fellow 2010 Fighting Irish recruits vowed to honor his memory by becoming "their brother's keepers" during their upcoming years at ND. How the extended Notre Dame community is dealing with this sad event shows the depth of feeling among all those who call themselves Irish.
All-Ohio Team Slights 2 'Horsemen'
The selector of an all-time Ohio high school football team makes some odd claims about two of the Four Horsemen, Harry Stuhldreher and Don Miller. With hundreds of hours of research we've done on the most famous backfield of all time, we're able to set the record straight.
Kelly Takes The Reins With Engery
Brian Kelly brings to Notre Dame not just a 19-year history as a successful college football coach, but one with a passion and energy for molding young men into winners. “Attention to detail is absolutely crucial in this process of winning, and so when I talk about working on winning, I mean you do that from the first day you step on this campus if you want to win...It's morale, it's camaraderie, it's one voice."
Why Notre Dame Football Matters
Former Irish coach Lou Holtz has a famous saying about understanding the Notre Dame mystique: “If you’ve been there, no explanation is necessary. If you haven’t, none is adequate." Above all is a commitment to excellence, and doing things the right way, that should serve as a model for all of major college football in a time of troubled programs.